Generate your form 4473s securely and with ease!

Quickly and easily fill out your 4473s and store them in the cloud with us! Gone are the days of storing boxes and boxes of documents on site for years on end. Use your new found space for more inventory or more retail space. With, you will have access to all of your documents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, we offer powerful search tools to help you find your documents fast.

Stay compliant

Our software features rich input validation catching many potential errors before they occur. This helps you spend less time worrying about compliance and more time running your business.

Secure your data

All of your data is secured using the latest encryption technologies and best practices.

Rest assured

All of your forms are backed up across multiple servers for redundancy with nightly backups of all data.

Mobile friendly

Our application is designed from the ground up to work on your desktop, tablet, or even mobile phone. Work where and you want.

Continuous improvement

New features and improvements are being added all the time - Free of charge!

Additional features

  • Handles all of your A&D records
  • Auto fill form 4473 firearms from your A&D records
  • Auto fill dispositions from completed form 4473s
  • All changes to A&D records are automatically tracked per ATF regulations
  • All records are searchable
  • Multiple pistol sale audit
  • Auto fill form 3310.4 (multiple pistol sales)
  • Automatically email form 3310.4 to the appropriate authorities
  • Create multiple user accounts
  • All downloaded documents are in a non-searchable format per ATF regulations
  • Multiple rifle sale audit
  • Auto fill form 3310.12 (multiple rifle sales)
  • Automatically email form 3310.12 to the appropriate authorities
  • Accepts digital signatures
  • Simple and intuitive user interface